in identities
Identities in
Annual Conference organized by the Center for Cultural Sociology and the Department of Sociology at Masaryk University

Thursday, October 13th, 2016

19.00 Welcome dinner
CAFÉ MORGAL, Moravské náměstí 1A, Brno


Friday, October 14th 2016

10.00 Francis le Maitre
„From concerns to facts and back again." Identity politics since EU's refugee crisis 
11.00 coffee and tea break
11.20 Sebastiano Citroni
Scene styles in conflict. An exploration of mobile associations' identities
12.20 lunch break
14.00 Anna Lund
At the threshold of retirement: From all-absorbing relations to self-actualization
15.00 coffee and tea break
15.20 Isaac A. Reed
States and Performative Power
16.20 coffee and tea break
16.40 Haldun Gulalp
How the ECtHR Judgments 'Trickle Down' into Domestic Identity Conflicts: The Case of Turkey.


Saturday, October 15th, 2016

10.00 Francesco Tava
Lifeworld, Civilisation, System: Patočka and Habermas on Europe and its Crisis
11.00 coffee and tea break
11.20 Marcjanna Nóźka
Differences and Boundaries in the Process of Creating Metropolitan Neighbouring Communities. Socio-spatial study
12.20 lunch break
14.00 Zoltán Kékesi
Fallen into Shards. Re-creating Identities in the National Socialist Exile
15.00 coffee and tea break
15.20 Róbert Braun
Kinotopias: spatial fluidity and mobile identities
16.00 coffee and tea break